Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Social Media Has on Anorexia Free Essays
This Is the sickening effect that social media has on the generation today, that we should all weigh 90 pounds and be as thin as the fake body on a fashion magazine. Over half of girls and just about one third of males today go through this process every single day. They take steps that are not necessary to control their weight which Is most likely under the normal percentile for their age. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect Social Media Has on Anorexia or any similar topic only for you Order Now These steps Include; laxatives, binging and purging, starving themselves, fasting or even smoking to control their weight. Larger weight and over weight teens or even children are more keel to engage in this horrible behavior only to fit in with the girls or boys on the magazine. In fact, over 20% of these overweight girls and Just over 6% of overweight boys have confessed to using tactics like starving or binging and purging to control their weight. (MEDIC) It is not hard to get sucked into this way of thinking, all it takes are a few articles and covers on a popular magazine and then the image of who you should be, according to the magazine, is burned In the back of your head forever. This train of thought Is not Just put In your brain after a day, no It takes timely The cost alarming thought of anorexia is that it is not only found in teenagers or adults, it is starting to be found in children as little as five years of age. If a Barbie is what is thought of as a role model to a young teenage girl is that not social media affecting the way their brain Is trained to picture perfection? A Victorians Secret model effects the way a mother think about herself greatly so when they start to diet, their young daughter starts to see this as normal and is trained to think that this is what said daughter should be doing. Social media is effecting mothers, aunts, or even sisters which Is then effecting young children. (Eating Disorders) In a study done of five year old girls it was revealed that very significant portion of the very young children associated a healthy diet with food restriction, thinness, and extreme weight loss. If this is what is being instilled in our young people today then what will the future of our world look like? (Anorexia Begins) One of the most important and influential ideas that social media affects is a teenage girls perception of how skinny is beautiful. Every magazine, television commercial, and website is constantly showing how beautiful you should be and how o make sure that the extra two pounds on your hips can disappear In Just two weeks! There Is the rare moment when any ad is showing that you are beautiful just the way you are and you do not need to weigh 100 pounds to truly radiate beauty. Social 1 OFF 120 pounds because if you weigh more than that in this society then you are truly fat. What social media is not telling you is that many teens have admitted that they use unhealthy tactics because of popular media shown in every aspect of social feeds. What it also does not tell you is that around a thousand women die each year cause of unrealistic expectations that magazines set for us. They die trying to reach perfection without realizing that perfection is far behind them. (Teen Anorexia) Perfection is all in our heads and the image is put in our heads by people on the covers of magazines, what is not realized is that all of it is fake. All models in social media are a sample size of 0-4 but on the cover of anything they are made and when teenage girls look at the they believe that this is the normalcy and desirability that they should be faced with. With this they pressure their peers which does not stop tit other girls, but has spread to pressuring boys. All girls put pressure on guys to look a certain way like an Firebombed and Fitch model, this has driven over 10% of guys to fall into anorexia, or bulimia and in extreme cases steroids to fit the bill for most women. (Male Eating Disorders) Males are over half as likely to suffer in silence because they do not think that this illness is normal for men to have. ANDREA: Eating Disorders) Eating disorders are should not normal, in males or in females, and if there are signs and symptoms of any sort of eating disorder help should try and be established. Unfortunately though in our society they are more normal than actually looking normal! Everyone is wonderful in their own way, Psalm 139:14 states, â€Å"l praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, and I know that full well. †(Hope, and Healing) But is it known in society that everyth ing is wonderful? Certainly not with social media telling people that a double zero is true beauty. Why is it the the Bible cannot be our source of social media, it gives countless examples that beauty is given by God, that perfection is the person he made and it would not be starved and withered down to 90 pounds because that is the way that the world thinks it should be. God makes every inch of every body perfectly in his eyes, it is not imperfect to weigh 130 pounds, or imperfect to not have the smallest thighs and the tiniest waist. What society needs to realize as a whole is that our imperfections are what makes up who they are. So the girl looks back in the mirror and again drops her eyes to the magazine now wrinkled in her hands. She traces the figure with her fingers re-reading the words on the cover over and over in her head. â€Å"Drop two pounds in two days! †â€Å"Perfection in he form of this super cute new tank top†â€Å"Be a size zero in zero days! †Then with only a moments notice, she swiftly but not violently tosses the magazine into the trash. She will not fall into the trap that the media has created so sneakily but will be herself. She is not going to criticize her body, or will it to be something it is not. And she continues on her life living it our as a normal teenager, without being negatively affected by the social media that surrounds her. And ever so quietly her mind has been made up; nothing is going to change who she is, because she likes the image that is reflected in the mirror. How to cite The Effect Social Media Has on Anorexia, Papers
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