Writing an exploratory essay
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Qué pasa al quedarse en EE.UU. más tiempo que permitido
Quã © pasa al quedarse en EE.UU. ms tiempo que permitido Los turistas extranjeros pueden visitar Estados Unidos con una visa en vlida, o incluso, sin visado si pertenecen an un grupo selecto de paã ses que pertenecen al Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visados, pero deben salir del paã s risks de que terminate el tiempo autorizado para permanecer en el mismo. Los tiempos que se puede quedar un turista depende del tipo de documento que se utilice para ingresar y, si se ingresa con visa, incluso de las condiciones de su nominal. En el documento que se conoce como I-94 registro de entrada y salida, puede verificarse exactamente por cunto tiempo se est autorizado a permanecer en EE.UU. Ahora es un documento computerized que puede consultarse en web en la pgina oficial de la CBP. Si se ingresã ³ sin visa, el tiempo mximo de permanencia es de 90 dã as. Con independencia de si se ingresã ³ an EE.UU. con visa de turista o sin ella por ser de un paã s del Programa de Exenciã ³n de visados, tasks sufren las mismas consecuencias si se permanecen en el paã s ms all del tiempo autorizado. En este artã culo se explican cules child esas consecuencias y por quã © se debe evitar intentar hacer trampa con el tiempo de permanencia. Consecuencias de quedarse en EE.UU. ms tiempo del permitido Desde el punto de vista migratorio los turistas que exceden el nã ºmero de dã as de estancia permitida se convierten en indocumentados. A partir de ahã si entran en contacto con una autoridad migratoria pueden ser expulsados inmediatamente o deportados, dependiendo del caso de cada uno. Aunque existen posibilidades de legalizarse (regularizar la situaciã ³n), en realidad tampoco roughage tantas y los requisitos child estrictos. Por esta razã ³n, lo mejor siempre es salir del paã s dentro de plazo o pedir con tiempo una extensiã ³n o un cambio de visa. En este punto destacar que los turistas que entraron sin visado no pueden hacer ni una cosa ni otra, para ellos sã ³lo cabe la opciã ³n de salir de Estados Unidos. Adems, deben hacerlo dentro de los 90 dã as siguientes al dã a de ingreso. Por ello, bets de decidir quedar en Estados Unidos en situaciã ³n de indocumentado, consultar con un abogado de inmigraciã ³n y entender muy bien tasks los problemas que pueden surgir.â En casos muy excepcionales, en los que se permanece en Estados Unidos ms tiempo que el autorizado en la visa es posibleâ solicitar y obtener una restauraciã ³n de estatus. Esto es lo que se conoce como Nunc Pro Tunc para casos en los que no se solicitã ³ a tiempo la extensiã ³n o un cambio de visa. Otra consecuencia de quedarse ms tiempo del permitido es que la visa de turista se cancela. Tener en consideraciã ³n que el nominal no es notificado de este hecho. Se entera cuando intenta ingresar an EEUU en el siguiente viaje y no se le permite. En el caso de haber ingresado an EE.UU. sin visa, se pierde ese derecho. A partir de ese momento es necesario pedir al consulado una visa de turista si se quiere regresar an Estados Unidos y la aprobaciã ³n de la misma no est asegurada. Adems, tanto si se entrã ³ con visa o sin ella, haber estado ilegalmente es causa de inadmisibilidad y si se ha estado ms de 180 dã as ilegalmente en el paã s y despuã ©s se deal de Estados Unidos, aplica el castigo de los tres y de los diez aã ±os, con algunas pocas excepciones. Es cierto que para solicitar una visa no inmigrante, como es la de turista, estudiante, intercambio, inversiã ³n, and so forth., es posible solicitar un perdã ³n por la penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aã ±os, pero no se aprueba frecuentemente. E incluso en los casos en los que ya ha transcurrido el tiempo del castigo puede resultar difã cil que el oficial consular apruebe una nueva visa puesto que se plantã ³ ya la duda sobre las intenciones del solicitante.â Eso no quiere decir que resulte imposible obtenerla. Pero sã que se va a mirar con gran detenimiento la aplicaciã ³n. Mistake grave an evitar El sistema informtico de las aduanas de EEUU es, en estos momentos, muy completo. No es como risks. Todas las personas que dan por perdido el pasaporte, piden a sus embajadas unos salvoconductos y una vez que estn de regreso en sus paã ses solicitan un pasaporte nuevo y la visa History of the U.S estn cometiendo un error.â Eso podã a pasar en algunos casos hace aã ±os. Ahora ya no. Queda registrado que no se saliã ³ a tiempo. Es este punto es de interã ©s conocerâ quã © informaciã ³n tienen en el control migratorio de la aduana Yankee folklore. Los oficiales de migraciã ³n, control de paso migratorio y de los consulados de Estados Unidos no tiene que probar nothing. Es la persona interesada la que tiene que demostrar, en caso de duda, que efectivamente se saliã ³ a tiempo. Al oficial consular o al reviewer de aduanas les basta con tener la sospecha para negar la visa o la entrada. Puntos clave a tener en cuenta Quedarse ms tiempo del permitido conlleva convertirse en indocumentadoLa visa se cancela o se pierde el derecho a viajar sin visa como turistaPuede aplicar el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aã ±os. Este artã culo tienen una finalidad meramente informativa.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Urban Poor Free Essays
The vagrants in the Philippines have unleashed devastation in the nation and they are wild. The issue is very clear and the arrangement is gazing everybody in the face; there are sufficiently not community workers with enough guts to address the issue. Be that as it may, somebody needs to stop the endless loop of hunching down especially in Metro Manila where most poor Filipinos from the regions appear to merge. We will compose a custom exposition test on Urban Poor or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now Presumptuous Filipino vagrants The vagrants or unlawful pilgrims need to move out of any place they have been hunching down for a considerable length of time or even decades since they basically don't have a place there. They have since a long time ago making the most of their remain, living on surrendered or vacant zones of land without being approached to move out. Some of them obstruct the waterways with their trash, yet additionally with their human waste, which in the long run bring about the flooding of the lanes and local locations of the urban communities uncommonly in the midst of overwhelming precipitation. For whatever length of time that the vagrants remain where they are and are permitted to thrive, the Philippines won't arrive at its maximum capacity as a business center that discovers favor according to remote financial specialists. Vagrants unpredictably dump squander onto Manila’s conduits. As such, the exercises of the individuals hunching down are foul. They have no worry or regard for the rights or property of others and have all out dismissal for nature and government assistance of others. A few vagrants can likewise be very pompous, resistant and childish when law authorization organizations at long last clip down on their criminal operations. One video shows illicit pioneers castigating the court sheriffand requesting to know when and in the event that they will be paid with money or check before they consent to being moved. Some even kidded that the check better not bob. They gave off an impression of being making the most of their couple of moments of notoriety before the camera relating their stories of burdens. One marvels why the news group will in general spotlight just on their situation and not the story behind why they were permitted to remain there for such a long time. There is a great deal to be said concerning why they were permitted to remain crouching in any case. The vagrant issue in the Philippines has been made confounded by confused Filipinos who feel that it is the Philippine government’s sole duty to give lodging, instruction and wellbeing for them. Not exclusively is this thought impractical, it is an unreasonable weight on citizens. Resigned Chief Justice Reynato Puno as of late said that â€Å"Filipinos must have the option to request from their legislature their entitlement to lodging, training and wellbeing, or these financial rights would stay minor words on paper. †While Puno’s slants appear to be honorable, Filipino citizens essentially can't bear to finance the developing number of Filipinos living beneath the neediness line. A portion of these vagrants, in spite of living in small quarters no greater than a case, have no hesitations about duplicating at a quick rate. Maybe they have been persuaded that their kids can be utilized to access hand outs from the legislature. Filipino legislators don't help take care of the issue of vagrants by any stretch of the imagination. On the off chance that anything, they really add to their expansion. The underlying driver of the vagrant issue is by all accounts the absence of urban arranging from each Barangay and frail requirement of the law by individuals from different offices who are not carrying out their responsibilities appropriately. Clearly, they didn't stop the issue from the beginning. Had they been carrying out their responsibilities, they could have handily expelled the primary vagrant before they increased and turned into the gigantic issue they are today. Evidently, there are times when the law authorization offices that incorporate the police and the court sheriff are defenseless in specific circumstances. They should act freely from chose authorities yet can't carry out their responsibilities until they get directions from city Mayors who hold off on removing vagrants during political decision season or when their prevalence is melting away. This was apparent when Davao Mayor Sara Duterte attacked a court sheriff 2011 in light of the fact that the last started the destruction of shanties in Davao’s Agdao area without her go signal. She said that she felt constrained to punch the sheriff to keep brutality from resulting. The incongruity in advocating the Mayor’s activities got away from her and many individuals who upheld her when she pulled in analysis. Duterte’s activities most likely made a ton of vagrants think they should be taken care of with kids’ gloves. These legislators have encouraged vagrants who rush to pitch a fit and use brutality at whatever point they are disappointed with the government’s approaches and courses of action to move them. Bianca Gonzalez: the hotly anticipated savior of against vagrant activism! Recently, the squatters’ feeling of qualification and extreme position have at long last grabbed the eye of a portion of the individuals from the upper and white collar class who are tired of the difficulties they are causing. A big name and web-based social networking extremist, Bianca Gonzalez have taken a stand in opposition to the manner in which the Philippine government treats vagrants like â€Å"babies†. She is getting a ton of credit for her immovable remain against the absence of reasonableness in how the issue is being taken care of. She featured that well behaved residents make a solid effort to set aside cash to have the option to purchase property legitimately yet at the same time get burdened for it while vagrants don’t even compensation anything to remain in wrongfully involved grounds. It’s been noticed that a great deal of the vagrants show their self-importance while requesting pay from the citizens. Discussing babies so far as that is concerned, a few people who can’t bear to take care of themselves shouldn’t have more infants. It has gone to the consideration of numerous Filipinos too that a tangled law on vagrants presented in 1997 has made it hard for the legislature to oust vagrants. Republic Act 7279 simply rebuffs the â€Å"professional squatters†. They are characterized by law as the individuals who can bear to pay for real lodging or the individuals who have gotten lodging units from the administration however have sold or rented it to other people so they themselves can settle illicitly again in another urban region so as to bamboozle the framework by requesting more remuneration. At the end of the day, most vagrants don’t even get punished any longer for their criminal operations. They even get remunerated for unleashing devastation in the network. No big surprise a ton of Filipinos would prefer to remain as vagrants and have embraced a vagrant attitude. Who can take care of the vagrant issue in the Philippines? Surely, the officeholder President Benigno Simeon â€Å"BS†Aquino can't understand it. Somebody even said that the Aquino-Conjuangco tribes additionally act like vagrants who have involved Hacienda Luisita for a considerable length of time. Savagery and terrorizing were critical to helping them keep the terrains that were intended for the poor ranchers. BS Aquino appears to be more engrossed with his notoriety than giving a changeless answer for the country’s long-standing issues. He won't hazard the fury of the vagrants on the grounds that the Liberal Party despite everything needs to get their votes in the following Presidential political race. The President could even build the quantity of beneficiaries of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) or give outs to the poor as a way diverting them from the absence of progress during his term. The response of the individuals from the reasoning class is long past due. They have to step up and get out what the administration is doing, which is basically pampering the vagrants. Philippine government officials need to stop being overprotective of individuals who misuse the framework just to get the votes in the following political decision. This harsh conduct from both the open authorities who pay off votes utilizing charge payer’s cash and vagrants who exploit the circumstance need to end in case each edge of the nation get run over by vagrants. [Photos graciousness Australia News Network, Lucy Who, and Asia Society. ] Related Posts: * An economical answer for the vagrant issue in the†¦ * The issue of vagrants in the Philippines can't be fathomed * Land possession Hell: The Philippines is Squatter Central†¦ * Party-List lawmakers look for crowd with Anti-Squatter†¦ * Bianca Gonzalez’s Tweet Reveals The Pinoy Middle Class n The most effective method to refer to Urban Poor, Papers
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Job Satisfaction Strategies for Being Happy at Work
Job Satisfaction Strategies for Being Happy at Work © Shutterstock.com | Gonzalo AragonHave you ever been at work, sitting at your desk, and just staring at the clock waiting for it to slowly strike 5 PM? Have you ever looked at your computer screen at work with a deadpan expression? Have you ever woken up early in the morning and dreaded driving to work?If your answer to any of these questions is YES, then you are most likely unhappy at work. In fact, you are definitely unhappy at work! If you hate going to the office in the morning and you frequently stare at the office clock hanging on the wall, then you are miserable at work. To be frank, a vast majority of employees around the world encounter this situation at least once in their lives.While there are several reasons for people falling in this rut and losing the excitement and drive to work, there is no reason to remain in this pit of misery. You are working at least 40 hours a week so you deserve to be happy at the workplace. There are strategies and techniques you can employ t o reinvigorate your passion in the workplace to be happy to go to work, to have a smile on your face as you work long hours.We have some strategies for you to implement to get your professional career back on track and find your happiness while at work. Though there are some things that companies can do to make it happier for you with some incentives, this article will not deal with that. We will not discuss things like salaries and benefits that are economic incentives provided by companies to incite employees to come to work.As important as they are, this article specifically focuses on what employees can do to make themselves happier at work. These strategies are targeted at the things employees have control over. If you follow these tactics, you will surely enjoy working.THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING HAPPY AT WORKWe talk a lot about happiness in the workplace and how it is important but why the big fuss? Is it really that important? Is it overrated? Several studies have indicated that there is a positive correlation between job satisfaction and job performance. When employees have been found to be happier at work, for whatever reason it may be, their performance was significantly higher than it would be otherwise.Improved performance and productivity is great for companies, so employers should want their employee to be happy, so that they get the most out of them. However, some companies do not take the effort to make the lives of employees easier to facilitate happiness and satisfaction. Ultimately, this leads to poorer productivity.Besides productivity in the workplace, job satisfaction has been linked to mental and physical health. Oftentimes, when employees are unhappy at work, they experience plenty of mental stress and problems that carries over even after going back home. When employees are happy at work, they arrive home feeling satisfied with their workday and they even go to bed looking forward to waking up early and going back to work the following da y. In addition, happiness leads to better physical health.Reports have indicated that unhappy people at work are so stressed out that it has adverse effects on their physical well-being. These types of employees are usually overweight and get exhausted very easily. On the other hand, happy employees are typically more energetic and are physically fit, or at least try to maintain a healthy diet. Overall, higher levels of job satisfaction have a positive impact on your health. When employees are feeling healthy doing their job, then they are happy to do it and have no regrets putting in those extra hours.Higher job satisfaction leads to fewer late entries into the office or absences. When people are unhappy at work, they often feel forced to go to work and sometimes go late to work because they are not motivated to start the day. There are even cases of people not showing up at work, taking the day off because they have lost all interest in even working. When employees are happy to go to work, they always arrive on time and rarely miss a day. Happy employees look forward to arriving at the office every day and mingling with their coworkers. Of course, this is very beneficial to the organization as a whole as their employees are working and delivering output.Now that you know the significance of being happy at work, we can discuss some strategies that you can use to bring about happiness in yourself to feel better at work and get the most out of your career. STRATEGIES FOR BEING HAPPY AT WORKEach of these strategies can be applied to any industry you are working in. They are not necessarily specific to any single type of industry. Assess your situation and see which one you need to implement to find your happiness. Actually, rather than finding your happiness, create it. These are the key ingredients to creating your job satisfaction.Find Your PassionWhen you were in school, you studied subjects you were genuinely interested in. You pictured yourself having a job or career in that particular field after years of study. When you finally got the job, you really enjoyed putting all your skills to the test and learning some new things. Perhaps eventually, you reached a place in your career where you are doing things that are important for the organization but are not necessarily the things you enjoy doing. When you stop doing what you are passionate about, then it is very easy to fall out of love with your job and become unhappy at work.Case in point, Marissa Meyer, the CEO of Yahoo, started her career as a programmer at Google. She has expressed her deep passion and desire of coding in many interviews and she was responsible for Google’s successes in the late 1990s and early 2000s. After receiving a lucrative deal from Yahoo to hold a more managerial and leadership-oriented role, she has no opportunity to code. She has publically stated that she misses coding and that she thrives the most when programming. Now we are not saying that she is b ad at her job, but Yahoo is in a financial crisis now and even she was not able to keep the ship afloat.This example illustrates how being passionate about what you do can lead to enhanced job performance. We are not saying that it will always happen but we would argue that in over 90% of the time, being actively engagedin what you do would improve your productivity. When you are able to pursue your passions, you can be more productive and have a positive impact on the business. Otherwise, you are having a negative effect on the output of the company when you are not satisfied with what you are doing.Although it may sound like a dream, it is very possible to love your job almost every single day. Of course, there will be times when the projects you undertake become overwhelming and it lingers on your mind even when you leave the office. However, for the most part you can definitely love your job if you are passionate about the thing you are working on and when your own goals align w ith those of the organization you are working at. Common goals and passions are key to being happy at work. When the business of your company is the same as your passions, then you are fully behind the company’s mission and vision and you can give your 100% of dedication. By being passionate, you can be more dedicated.In case you are not passionate about the things you are doing, then it may be time to look elsewhere. It is a good chance for you to reflect on yourself, the things you are good at and the things you really like. Find a common point and pursue a career in a field that combines what you have a deep interest in and what you are ferventabout. Remember, you will be working for many decades but when you do what you love, you are never really working. Rather, you are living your dreams. A dream job is something you are passionate about. Find the things that light that fire in your belly and take the path that makes it burn brighter. Do not chase after money. Instead, chase after your dreams and your visions.Steve Jobs famously said, “If you love what you do, then you never have to work a day of your life.†When you are passionate about what you do, you are not working. You are living.Challenge YourselfYour work is a significant portion of your life. You will be working at least three decades in your life and in the beginning,there are many hurdles to overcome. After years of education and training, you finally set foot in the job arena and are looking forward to doing amazing things that challenge you.Every day, you learn something new and have to think outside the box to solve the complex problems. After a few years at your job, you have amassed a ton of experience and may have seen it all. That is when nothing really surprises you any longer; you no longer feel challenged at work. You feel bored at work because nothing is pushing you to the limit.The lack of challenges quickly leads to job unhappiness. Many people used to love their job but aft er a few years, they lost the drive to continue working. Their work does not excite them any longer because everything feels too easy. Several reports indicate that difficulty leads to job satisfaction. Many believe that they want the easy life but on the contrary, results show that people do not it too easy. They want to be challenged.Many people conflate being busy with being challenged. That could not be further from the truth. You could be busy with plenty of mundane and simple tasks that simply take time to complete, but they never challenge you to think. Working extra hours does not correlate to being challenged with more work. The quantity of work does not lead to more challenges. Rather, the quality of your work determines how challenging it is.We reach our maximum level of motivation when we are engaged in activities that make us really think and learn new things. We are the most enthusiastic when we go to work and learn something new on a regular basis. When you are not ch allenged, you feel stagnated because you are not improving. On the other hand, when you are challenged, you feel a sense of pride because you have the opportunity to improve and make a difference by doing something new and exciting.A good way to find and create new challenges at your workplace is to talk to your immediate superior and present your case. Convince them that you would like to work on something new and exciting that has not yet been done before at the organization. Of course, this comes with a huge risk to the company, especially when they have a system or plan of action in place. However, if you present your case properly and align your plan with the goals of the company, they will be able to find something for you that gets your blood pumping and your adrenaline rushing.Reward YourselfWhen many employees perform very well at their job, they receive a compensation bonus by their company. If you secured several new clients for your group, your company may reward you wil l a hefty bonus. If you designed a website in a unique and fascinating way, your client may pay you extra for your ingenuity. Several organizations use these tactics of economic incentives to reward you for your hard work. However, you cannot always expect your company to reward every single time you did something great. Economic incentives will only go so far to make you happy.According to many studies, employees are happy to work for more money but after crossing a certain threshold, employees no longer feel happy at work even when they are paid more. Of course, the threshold differs from person to person. Rather than relying on money to make you happy, do something else with whatever money you have to make yourself happy outside of work. When you feel that you solved a big problem or reached a major milestone on a project, take some time on the weekend and enjoy yourself. Reward yourself in ways that bring you joy to your life.Watch a movie at a theater. Go out with your friends and have some fun at a bar. Eat out with your loved ones. Go to the spa and relax in warm water. Life is not just about work. You have to play sometimes, too. Everybody deserves to feel happy about what they do and you cannot expect your company to take the responsibility to make you happy. Though that would be great if your company does that, you can take the onus in your own hands and satisfy yourself by doing things you like to do. Many of us become caught up in our work because we love what we do, but there is more to life than just work.Find things that make you happy. Segment your work into various milestones and give yourself different types of rewards when you reach these milestones. You can start by treating yourself to some sweet treats or desserts when you accomplish something at work you are proud of. For later milestones, you can treat yourself to tickets to a local play if you like theater or go ice-skating to try something new. When you complete a major project at wor k, treat yourself to a grand dinner at a top-class restaurant in your city. Everybody deserves to be treated like royalty at least once in their lives. When you feel like you accomplished something great at work, do not feel ashamed to indulge yourself.Socialize with your ColleaguesEveryone has their core group of friends that they keep in touch with. It could consist of the friends we grew up with as kid playing in the cul-de-sac, the classmates in high school we bonded with, and the people we met at college while partying and studying. In all of these situations, you bonded with people in a non-professional environment so you have a very relaxed and casual relationship with these people.You may think that you do not want to cross that line with your colleagues at work because your colleagues may perceive it as unprofessional behavior. We are here to ask you to reconsider that thought. We believe that in order to be happy at work, you should get to know your colleagues personally a nd befriend them.Let’s face it, you will be working with them for quite some time. It will make your work life so much easier and more enjoyable when you can see them more than just coworkers. You are all working in the same company and same team so in your lunch break, do not talk about work. You are already doing that every other time during the day.Instead, talk about things outside of work that interest you. You can find a common ground on so many topics. You may find someone who shares your passion for films, music, books, food, or traveling. Remind yourself how you befriend people back in school. Well, do the same thing at the workplace. We are not robots without emotions. We are all humans that need a human connection and this is even more important at the office because you are working with people.Although it is imperative to be productive and efficient while working, you should not only work when you are at the office. It may sound counterintuitive, we suggest participati ng in some light-hearted office banter with your colleagues every now and then to ease the tension and add some laughter to the workplace. It was been reported that having a fun and enjoyable working environment really boosts morale and gets you through the day. You can easily do this by striking a short and quick conversation with a team member across the room. Simply asking about how their day is going or asking if they saw last night’s basketball game or TV show could raise your spirits as well as theirs.Besides having a bit of fun at your place of work, have some fun with your colleagues after work, too. Socialize by going to dinner at a fine restaurant and talk about things that interest you over some delicious food. Grab some drinks at a nice bar in town to loosen up and be more open with your colleagues. This helps to get to know their more casual side.In addition, try meeting up on the weekends from time to time. We understand that you are already seeing them 5 days a week and you may feel like you do not want to see them again on your off days. However, bonding with your colleagues in a picnic or a barbeque party over the weekend can have amazing psychological effects on your happiness in life and at work.The more you get to know your colleagues by socializing with them in various scenarios, the more you are likely to feel happy at the workplace. This is because you want to go to the office to see them and work with them. Your colleagues at your company can be your friends if you put in the effort to make a bond with them.Improve your Working EnvironmentOne of the biggest factors in determining happiness at work is your working environment. An aspect of the workplace that is often overlooked, your working environment has major psychological implications on your job satisfaction. This is because your productivity and efficiency are affectedby your working conditions. If you are working in a cubicle, contained by 4 walls and boxed off against your sur roundings, then you only have some notes and your computer to look at while you are working.You feel disconnected from everybody else because that is what cubicles do â€" they separate you from everybody else. If your company has a working culture where everybody is boxed inside these cubicles, then that may be a sign for you to look for a job elsewhere. Make sure you get a job at a company with an open working environment where you can actually interact with other people very easily.While you may not be in control of converting your closed working environment to an open working environment, you can make your existing workstation much livelier to raise your spirits. If you are married, having a picture of your spouse on the table boosts your spirits and gives you a sense of purpose for working. If you have kids, having photos of your children at your workstation will motivate you to continue to work to provide for your family. This gives many people a sense of job satisfaction.If yo u have a very boring and bland worktable, add some flare to it to spruce it up and to reflect your personality. If you are an organized person, have a clean and simply table with very few objects on the surface with most of your material possessions tucked away in the drawers. If your job requires you to use plenty of materials, keep them on the surface of the table and have them neatly organized so that you can easily find exactly what you need. All of these organizational considerations for your workstation have a major impact on your job satisfaction levels.Many people spend more time at their office table than they do in their own bed. For that reason, we recommend creating an office nest and have a worktable that makes you feel at home and comfortable.Take Breaks by Going OutsideWe touched upon things you can do to make your working environment better but there are also things you can take advantage of to enjoy your work even more. Make full use of your office’s location and enjoy the breaks by going to the rooftop or going out of the compound to take a moment to breathe. One of the best ways to enjoy your environment is to go out and soak in the sun when it is shining brightly.When you are indoors all the time, you are missing out on Vitamin D that your skin badly needs. When the weather is very pleasant, go outside for a little bit and experience the lovely weather. Whether the sun is blazing or it is quite breezy, both of these are wonderful weather conditions that make you feel happier. Sometimes just going outside to sit down or walk around a bit works wonders for your job performance.Some offices are noisier than others, with people talking across the room with each other and phones constantly ringing. While it helps to wear earphones to block out all of the racket in the office, that will only go so far. Sometimes, you just need to go outside and get away from the commotion and distractions. You need to go outside, take a break, and find a moment of peace and silence. You can use this time to reflect and encourage yourself to keep on doing what you do. This definitely keeps you motivated and satisfied in the things you are doing.Exercise RegularlyIn the 21st century, many office jobs have become desk jobs, keeping employees glued to their chairs for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. That is a lot of time just sitting down and if studies have indicated anything, it is that sitting in a hunched position for extended periods will result in serious back problems.When you start experiencing back problems and other health related issues, then you will naturally feel unhappy going to work. Though you may not be able to radically change the nature of the type of desk job you have, you can take measures to help improve your health. This will result in improving your satisfaction at the workplace. You should start exercising regularly to reinvigorate yourself after a long workday.A good way to avert or combat physical and mental stress t hat may arise from work is to exercise regularly. We suggest exercising every day after work. After you leave your office, go home and change into your more casual clothes, and go for a walk or a jog through a nearby park. A brisk walk or a jog for about an hour a day has been reported to combat psychological stress and helps to improve your overall happiness.If you want to take it to the next level, get a membership at a gym and hit the gym every evening after work, doing exercises that are more advanced with heavy machinery. You do not have to go to the gym just to lift weights. You can also join spinning classes or hop on the treadmill for a run. Since you are paying for a gym membership, you will be more motivated to go the gym regularly and beat out all of the stress from your body.Apart from dealing with the immediate stress at work, exercising regularly improves your sleep patterns at night. You will feel like going to bed in a very good state and wake up in a good mood. By e xercising, you are improving your chances of sleeping with satisfaction after a fruitful day and waking up with determination to tackle the new day.If you had trouble sleeping before, then exercising usually results in unperturbed 8 hours of sleep. In addition,exercising will result in you waking up early and arriving to work on time with loads of energy. That positive energy is infectious and can be felt by everyone in the workplace. It conveys a great sense of satisfaction for work.Eat Healthy Food and Drink Water RegularlyIn this day and age, fast food as become commonplace and is the go-to food of choice for many people at work because, as its name suggests, takes very little time to eat in your short lunch break. If the company kitchen does not serve tasty food, then many employees opt to go outside and eat some sandwiches or fast food at a nearby corner shop.Eating burgers daily has serious adverse effects on your health, which has actually been linked to your job satisfaction levels. Drinking soda with them makes it even worse. The injection of unhealthy amounts of sugar at lunchtime might provide you some quick energy for a short amount of time but you will feel very drained by the time you leave the office. This ultimately affects your sleep cycle, especially if you eat a very similar type of unhealthy food for dinner.If you decide to eat out at a café for lunch, go for healthier options with lean meats for protein and dishes with many vegetables. Salads are a great choice because let’s be honest, you can never go wrong with salads. If you do decide to eat lunch from the kitchen in your office, then stay away from the unhealthy dishes full of cheese. Try to take a bowl of soup that is quite filling and tasty. Again, a bowl of salad is very good for you so you should definitely consider that.Some people even bring their own lunch from home. This has the added benefit that you know what you find delicious and what appeals to your taste buds. You know what kind of food makes you feel good so you can pack your lunch that is healthy and has a positive effect on your mind and body. That is what is necessary to improve your mood at work.Besides eating healthy food, you should also only drink healthy drinks. Steer clear from soft drinks and other carbonated drinks full of sugar. Go for natural juices that are low on sugar. Fruit juices taste great and the nutrients they add to your body will keep you healthy and active throughout the day. However, the best thing you can drink is water and make sure you drink plenty of it. Water is 100% natural and is necessary for your body. It is the best thing to drink to keep you hydrated during the day, especially on hot summer days. Always keep a water bottle on your table and have a sip when you feel a little tired or exhausted after working for long stretches.A good and healthy diet will keep you concentrated on the job, raise your mood levels, and create a positive-minded attitude. A healthy diet prevents you from feeling fatigued and makes you feel happier. Do not forget to eat healthy both at work and at home. Ask for FeedbackOftentimes, employees will work on a task for days, or even weeks, and not be sure if they are doing well or doing exactly what needs to be done. We advise working on something and running it by your boss to verify if you are indeed on the right track. The boss will say something like “You are doing well†or “This is good. Keep up the good work.â€In addition to informing you on how you are doing, you will feel a sense of excitement and accomplishment because you did something your boss has appreciated. When hearing such positive words, you will feel like you have contributed to the goal of the company and this ultimately leads to better job satisfaction.We understand that many employees, especially those involved in top management, are extremely busy with many things on their plate. However, try to ask them to give you some feedback when y ou notice that they are not so busy. You can even ask for a personal meeting between the two of you to discuss your job performance.Not everything your boss says will be positive but you should never assume it is just negative. Rather, consider them to be constructive criticisms and use them as learning opportunities to help improve in the future. When you receive feedback, you are being valued and that is a key component in being satisfied in what you do. Do not be afraid to ask for feedback whenever you can because it is an easy way to attain satisfaction in what you do.Feedback does not have to come only from your superiors. If you are in a service-oriented industry and working with customers, ask them for feedback on how you interact with them and handle customer complaints. Since clients are the ones who see your output on a consistent basis, they can give you honest feedback. When a customer says to you “I really like the way you conduct yourself and what you have done for m eâ€, it will surely put a smile on your face and encourage you to continue working.Take VacationsWe are sure that you have heard of workaholics, people who compulsively work more than the average employee does. Did you know that workaholics have a very chance of suffering from physical and mental stress and fatigue, such as burn out? This leads to many workaholics being unhappy at their jobs and this has negative effects on the company. Many employees do not take all of the allotted vacation days in their contract! This is a very depressing statistic and one of the root causes for employees experiencing burn out and being unhappy. Take your holidays and go on a vacation to a place you long wanted to visit.Going on vacations has magical effects on our mind, making us feel very worthy and putting things into perspective. When you are working inside a building for several months, you need a few days to get away from it all to experience the beauties of nature and explore unknown place s. If you always wanted to go to Hawaii to relax, go right ahead and spend some time there. If you wanted to travel to Europe to experience amazing cultures, go on a Euro trip. If you want to taste delicious street food, go to Southeast Asia for a while and try the delicacies. By traveling to these places, you will feel reinvigorated in what you do for a living and reignite your passion for you job. You will see things through a different lens and you will return to work with more energy than ever before to pursue your passions.Moreover, going on vacations is a great way to reward yourself for you hard work and efforts. Sure, it is good to indulge yourself in the same city where you work by going to the movies or eating at an expensive restaurant. However, indulging yourself by going far away is an even greater reward that has no comparison. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city is a good way of patting yourself on the back for a job well done. When you return to work, you will be motivated to continue working well.CONCLUSIONIt is perfectly normal to feel a bit unhappy on certain days, especially when the deadline for your project is fast approaching and you feel unsatisfied with your progress. It would be unrealistic to assume that you can be happen all the time, 24/7, 365 days a year and walk around with a smile on your face. However, you cannot let temporary moments of dissatisfaction become the norm and ruin your entire professional career. You need to find ways to stay motivated, energetic, and optimistic at work. This guide gave you all the tips you required to boost your attitude at work and improve your job satisfaction.You do not have to wait for your company to make your happy. You can satisfy yourself in so many ways. The ball is in your court now. You can either play to be satisfied or refuse to play and be left unhappy. We recommend that you take responsibility for your own happiness by finding and creating ways to be satisfied at wo rk.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Battle of Caen in World War II
The Battle of Caen was fought from June 6, to July 20, 1944, during World War II (1939-1945). Situated on the Orne River approximately nine miles from the Normandy coast, the city of Caen was a key road and rail hub in the region. The city was identified by the Allies as an early goal for troops coming ashore during the D-Day invasion. Rather than quickly falling, the struggle for Caen became a bloody, grinding affair that lasted for seven weeks due to intense German resistance. While a costly struggle, the fighting around Caen pinned down German troops which facilitated Operation Cobra in late July. This saw the Allies breakout of the beachhead and move to encircle German forces in Normandy. Background Located in Normandy, Caen was identified early on by General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Allied planners as a main objective for the D-Day invasion. This was largely due to the citys key position along the Orne River and Caen Canal as well as its role as a major road hub within the region. As a result, the capture of Caen would greatly inhibit the ability of German forces to respond quickly to Allied operations once ashore. Planners also felt that the relatively open terrain around the city would provide an easier line of advance inland as opposed to the more difficult bocage (hedgerow) country to the west. Given the favorable terrain, the Allies also intended to establish several airfields around the city. The capture of Caen was assigned to Major General Tom Rennies British 3rd Infantry Division which would be assisted by Major General Richard N. Gales British 6th Airborne Division and 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion. In the final plans for Operation Overlord, Allied leaders intended for Kellers men to take Caen shortly after coming ashore on D-Day. This would require an advance of approximately 7.5 miles from beach. D-Day Landing during the night of June 6, the airborne forces captured key bridges and artillery positions to the east of Caen along the Orne River and at Merville. These efforts effectively blocked the enemys ability to mount a counterattack against the beaches from the east. Storming ashore on Sword Beach around 7:30 AM, the 3rd Infantry Division initially encountered stiff resistance. Following the arrival of supporting armor, Rennies men were able to secure the exits from the beach and commenced pushing inland around 9:30 AM. Their advance was soon stopped by a determined defense mounted by 21st Panzer Division. Blocking the road to Caen, the Germans were able to halt Allied forces and the city remained in their hands as night fell. As a result, the Allied ground commander, General Bernard Montgomery, elected to meet with the commanders of the US First Army and British Second Army, Lieutenant Generals Omar Bradley and Miles Dempsey, to develop a new plan for taking the city. Lieutenant General Sir Miles C. Dempsey (right) with the 21st Army Group commander, General Sir Bernard Montgomery (center), and U.S. First Army commander, Lieutenant General Omar Bradley (left), 10 June 1944. Public Domain Fast Facts: Battle of Caen Conflict: World War II (1939-1945)Dates: June 6, to July 20, 1944Armies Commanders:AlliesGeneral Bernard MontgomeryLieutenant General Miles Dempsey14 divisions, 8 armored/tank brigadesAxisField Marshal Erwin RommelField Marshal Gà ¼nther von Kluge15 divisions, 3 heavy tank battalions Operation Perch Originally conceived as a plan for breaking out of the beachhead to the southeast of Caen, Operation Perch was quickly altered by Montgomery into a pincer attack for taking the city. This called for I Corps 51st (Highland) Infantry Division and the 4th Armoured Brigade to cross the Orne River in the east and attack towards Cagny. In the west, XXX Corps would cross the Odon River, then swing east towards Evrecy. This offensive moved forward on June 9 as elements of XXX Corps began battling for Tilly-sur-Seulles which was held by the Panzer Lehr Division and elements of the 12th SS Panzer Division. Due to delays, I Corps did not begin their advance until June 12. Meeting heavy resistance from the 21st Panzer Division, these efforts were halted the next day. As I Corps rolled forward, the situation in the west changed when German forces, having been under heavy attack from the US 1st Infantry Division on XXX Corps right began falling back. Seeing an opportunity, Dempsey directed the 7th Armoured Division to exploit the gap and advance to Villers-Bocage before turning east to assault the left flank of the Panzer Lehr Division. Reaching the village on July 13, British forces were checked in heavy fighting. Feeling that the division was becoming overextended, Dempsey pulled it back with the goal of reinforcing it and renewing the offensive. This failed to occur when a severe storm hit the area and damaged supply operations on the beaches (Map). Operation Epsom In an effort to regain the initiative, Dempsey commenced Operation Epsom on June 26. Using Lieutenant General Sir Richard OConnors newly-arrived VIII Corps, the plan called for a thrust over the Odon River to capture high ground south of Caen near Bretteville-sur-Laize. A secondary operation, dubbed Martlet, was launched on June 25 to secure heights along VIII Corps right flank. Assisted by supporting operations at other points along the line, the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division, aided by armor from the 31st Tank Brigade, spearheaded the Epsom attack the next day. An ammunition lorry of 11th Armoured Division explodes after being hit by mortar fire during Operation Epsom, June 1944. Public Domain Making good progress, it crossed the river, pushed through the German lines and began expanding its position. Joined by the 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division, the 15th became engaged in heavy fighting and repulsed several major German counterattacks. The severity of the German efforts led to Dempsey pulling his some of his troops back across the Odon by June 30. Though a tactical failure for the Allies, Epsom altered the balance of forces in the region in their favor. While Dempsey and Montgomery were able to maintain a force of reserves, their opponent, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, was compelled to utilize his entire force to hold the front lines. Following Epsom, the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division mounted Operation Windsor on July 4. This called for an attack on Carpiquet and its adjacent airfield which were located west of Caen. The Canadian effort was further supported by a variety of specialist armor, 21 artillery regiments, naval gunfire support from HMS Rodney, as well as two squadrons of Hawker Typhoons. Moving forward, the Canadians, aided by the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade, succeeded in capturing the village but were unable to secure the airfield. The next day, they turned back German efforts to reclaim Carpiquet. Operation Charnwood Increasingly frustrated with the situation around Caen, Montgomery directed that a major offensive be mounted to frontally assault the city. Though Caens strategic significance had lessened, he particularly desired to secure Verrià ¨res and Bourguà ©bus ridges to the south. Dubbed Operation Charnwood, the key objectives of the assault were to clear the city south to the Orne and secure bridges over the river. To accomplish the latter, an armored column was assembled with orders to rush through Caen to capture the crossings. The attack moved forward on July 8 and was heavily supported by bombers and naval gunfire. Led by I Corps, three infantry divisions (3rd, 59th, and 3rd Canadian), supported by armor, pushed forward. To the west, the Canadians renewed their efforts against Carpiquet airfield. Grinding ahead, British forces reached the outskirts of Caen that evening. Concerned about the situation, the Germans began withdrawing their heavy equipment across the Orne and prepared to defend the river crossings in the city. The next morning, British and Canadian patrols began penetrating the city proper while other forces finally occupied Carpiquet airfield after the 12th SS Panzer Division withdrew. As the day progressed British and Canadian troops united and drove the Germans from the northern part of Caen. Occupying the riverbank, Allied troops halted as they lacked the strength to contest the river crossings. In addition, it was deemed inadvisable to continue as the Germans held the ground flanking the southern part of the city. As Charnwood concluded, OConnor launched Operation Jupiter on July 10. Striking south, he sought to capture the key heights of Hill 112. Though this objective was not gained after two days of fighting, his men secured several villages in the area and prevented the 9th SS Panzer Division from being withdrawn as a reserve force. Operation Goodwood As Operation Jupiter was moving forward, Montgomery again met with Bradley and Dempsey to assess the overall situation. At this gathering, Bradley proposed the plan for Operation Cobra which called for a major breakout from the American sector on July 18. Montgomery approved this plan and Dempsey was tasked with mounting an operation to pin German forces in place around Caen and possibly achieve a breakout in the east. A A Canadian soldier moves through Caen, 1944. Public Domain Dubbed Operation Goodwood, this called for a major offensive by British forces east of the city. Goodwood was to be supported by the Canadian-led Operation Atlantic which was designed to capture the southern part of Caen. With planning completed, Montgomery hoped to begin Goodwood on July 18 and Cobra two days later. Spearheaded by OConnors VIII Corps, Goodwood commenced following heavy Allied air attacks. Slowed somewhat by natural obstacles and German minefields, OConnor was tasked with capturing Bourguà ©bus Ridge as well as the area between Bretteville-sur-Laize and Vimont. Driving forward, British forces, heavily supported by armor, were able to advance seven miles but failed to take the ridge. The fighting saw frequent clashes between British Churchill and Sherman tanks and their German Panther and Tiger counterparts. Advancing to the east, Canadian forces succeeded in liberating the remainder of Caen, however subsequent assaults against Verrià ¨res Ridge were repulsed. Aftermath Though originally a D-Day objective, it took Allied forces around seven weeks to finally liberate the city. Due to the ferocity of the fighting, much of Caen was destroyed and had to be rebuilt after the war. Though Operation Goodwood failed to achieve a breakout, it did hold German forces in place for Operation Cobra. Delayed until July 25, Cobra saw American forces knock a gap in the German lines and reach open country to the south. Pivoting east, they moved to encircle German forces in Normandy as Dempsey mounted a new advance with the goal of trapping the enemy around Falaise. Beginning on August 14, Allied forces sought to close the Falaise Pocket and destroy the German Army in France. Though nearly 100,000 Germans escaped the pocket before it was closed on August 22, around 50,000 were captured and 10,000 killed. Having won the Battle of Normandy, Allied forces advanced freely to the Seine River reaching it on August 25.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Four Philosophical Definitions Of Justice - 1840 Words
The Four Philosophical Definitions of Justice Richard DeVivo PSC 200-1001 Prof. Bradley 9 February 2015 In Books I and II of The Republic of Plato Translated by Allan Bloom, there many definitions of justice. Socrates knows the definition from the start of the discussion but he wont reveal the definition until he believes Cephalus, Polemarchus, Thrasymachus, and Glaucon come up with their own definitions of justice. If they are wrong the discussion continues until they reach consensus, which is hard for them because Socrates masks his definition pretty well. For them to come up with a definition they have to look at the big picture. In book I they talk about what it means to be just. In book II they talk more about justice in the city as a whole. So in order to figure out what the true definition of justice is, you have to look at the big picture otherwise the definition can be skewed. Lastly you have to develop the definition yourself and learn and further develop your definition from talking with other people because that is the best form of education. In Book I Cephalus is the first one to give a definition of justice. His first definition that he gave was â€Å"shall we simply assert that it is the truth and giving back what has a man taken from another (Bloom 331C).†Socrates then says that this definition is hard to disprove. â€Å"I understand,.. A man does not give what is owed in giving back gold to someone who has deposited it, when the giving andShow MoreRelatedJustice Is The Best Choice For Its Own Sake1307 Words  | 6 PagesRepublic, is a classic philosophical novel that covers many points and topics regarding philosophy. One of these main points includes justice. In this essay I will be answering the question of whether justice in soul is choice worthy for its own sake. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Social Media Has on Anorexia Free Essays
This Is the sickening effect that social media has on the generation today, that we should all weigh 90 pounds and be as thin as the fake body on a fashion magazine. Over half of girls and just about one third of males today go through this process every single day. They take steps that are not necessary to control their weight which Is most likely under the normal percentile for their age. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect Social Media Has on Anorexia or any similar topic only for you Order Now These steps Include; laxatives, binging and purging, starving themselves, fasting or even smoking to control their weight. Larger weight and over weight teens or even children are more keel to engage in this horrible behavior only to fit in with the girls or boys on the magazine. In fact, over 20% of these overweight girls and Just over 6% of overweight boys have confessed to using tactics like starving or binging and purging to control their weight. (MEDIC) It is not hard to get sucked into this way of thinking, all it takes are a few articles and covers on a popular magazine and then the image of who you should be, according to the magazine, is burned In the back of your head forever. This train of thought Is not Just put In your brain after a day, no It takes timely The cost alarming thought of anorexia is that it is not only found in teenagers or adults, it is starting to be found in children as little as five years of age. If a Barbie is what is thought of as a role model to a young teenage girl is that not social media affecting the way their brain Is trained to picture perfection? A Victorians Secret model effects the way a mother think about herself greatly so when they start to diet, their young daughter starts to see this as normal and is trained to think that this is what said daughter should be doing. Social media is effecting mothers, aunts, or even sisters which Is then effecting young children. (Eating Disorders) In a study done of five year old girls it was revealed that very significant portion of the very young children associated a healthy diet with food restriction, thinness, and extreme weight loss. If this is what is being instilled in our young people today then what will the future of our world look like? (Anorexia Begins) One of the most important and influential ideas that social media affects is a teenage girls perception of how skinny is beautiful. Every magazine, television commercial, and website is constantly showing how beautiful you should be and how o make sure that the extra two pounds on your hips can disappear In Just two weeks! There Is the rare moment when any ad is showing that you are beautiful just the way you are and you do not need to weigh 100 pounds to truly radiate beauty. Social 1 OFF 120 pounds because if you weigh more than that in this society then you are truly fat. What social media is not telling you is that many teens have admitted that they use unhealthy tactics because of popular media shown in every aspect of social feeds. What it also does not tell you is that around a thousand women die each year cause of unrealistic expectations that magazines set for us. They die trying to reach perfection without realizing that perfection is far behind them. (Teen Anorexia) Perfection is all in our heads and the image is put in our heads by people on the covers of magazines, what is not realized is that all of it is fake. All models in social media are a sample size of 0-4 but on the cover of anything they are made and when teenage girls look at the they believe that this is the normalcy and desirability that they should be faced with. With this they pressure their peers which does not stop tit other girls, but has spread to pressuring boys. All girls put pressure on guys to look a certain way like an Firebombed and Fitch model, this has driven over 10% of guys to fall into anorexia, or bulimia and in extreme cases steroids to fit the bill for most women. (Male Eating Disorders) Males are over half as likely to suffer in silence because they do not think that this illness is normal for men to have. ANDREA: Eating Disorders) Eating disorders are should not normal, in males or in females, and if there are signs and symptoms of any sort of eating disorder help should try and be established. Unfortunately though in our society they are more normal than actually looking normal! Everyone is wonderful in their own way, Psalm 139:14 states, â€Å"l praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, and I know that full well. †(Hope, and Healing) But is it known in society that everyth ing is wonderful? Certainly not with social media telling people that a double zero is true beauty. Why is it the the Bible cannot be our source of social media, it gives countless examples that beauty is given by God, that perfection is the person he made and it would not be starved and withered down to 90 pounds because that is the way that the world thinks it should be. God makes every inch of every body perfectly in his eyes, it is not imperfect to weigh 130 pounds, or imperfect to not have the smallest thighs and the tiniest waist. What society needs to realize as a whole is that our imperfections are what makes up who they are. So the girl looks back in the mirror and again drops her eyes to the magazine now wrinkled in her hands. She traces the figure with her fingers re-reading the words on the cover over and over in her head. â€Å"Drop two pounds in two days! †â€Å"Perfection in he form of this super cute new tank top†â€Å"Be a size zero in zero days! †Then with only a moments notice, she swiftly but not violently tosses the magazine into the trash. She will not fall into the trap that the media has created so sneakily but will be herself. She is not going to criticize her body, or will it to be something it is not. And she continues on her life living it our as a normal teenager, without being negatively affected by the social media that surrounds her. And ever so quietly her mind has been made up; nothing is going to change who she is, because she likes the image that is reflected in the mirror. How to cite The Effect Social Media Has on Anorexia, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Analyse The Learning organization Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Analyse The Learning organization. Answer: Learning organization Learning organization is the term given to a company which helps to enhance the learning pattern of the employees so that the organization can easily bring transformation. The organization that attains knowledge and innovates in the competitive environment is known as a learning organization. Learning organization gives focus on creating a culture that enhances and supports continuous learning, critical thinking and also values the employee contribution. It helps to achieve new knowledge throughout the company for incorporation into the day to day operations. The concept of organizational learning was coined through the work and research of Peter Senge and his colleagues. This concept creates pressure on facing modern companies and assists them to remain competitive in the market. Learning organization is not only related to currentmanagement trend but they offer a work environment that is open to creative thoughts and also helps to solve the problems related to work. A leaning organization focuses on creating its own future and also considers that learning is an ongoing and creative process for the members and it helps to transform the needs and aspirations of the individual both inside and outside. Learning organization helps to enhance the growth of the companies. In this paper, the discussion will be made by taking into consideration Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut is one of the largest learning organizations. The company focuses on inventing and implementing new technologies by considering the lifetime value of their customers as it treats them as long-term assets. Pizza Hut is also the company that helps to encourage and facilitates learning so that transformation can be done on a continuous basis. It also helps to survive and excel in the changing environment of the market (Boyland Christiansen, 2015). As Pizza Hut is one of the learning environments so it is seen that it facilitates the growth of the company. As the company expands its market it is seen it is due to the learning process only. The company acquires new technologies and also the techniques that help to enhance the market share of the company. By taking into consideration Pizza hut it is seen that the features of a learning organization are: The idea of the learning organization is enhanced by a body of work that is known as critical thinking. This is a framework that helps the people to evaluate the businesses as bounded objects. Pizza hut consider this method as it helps people to evaluate the performance of the company as a whole. Systematic thinking is known as the cornerstone of a learning organization. The system thinking helps the company to evaluate the relationship between the parts of the incentives and also various disciplines. Pizza hut learns various thinks by other organizations and from the behavior of the individual. The changes are made by analyzing the thinking pattern of the customers. Personal mastery is the disciplines that are clarified by the employee's personal vision. It also goes beyond the competency and skills that are involved. If the employees have personal mastery then it can be easy for the organization to achieve competitive advantage. Personal mastery can be achieved if the organization provides proper training and self-improvement skills. Pizza hut provides proper training to its employees so that the growth can be achieved in an effective manner (Wingrove Urban, 2017). It is seen that team learning helps to evaluate the performance of the teams and also assist to achieve the overall goals. In Pizza hut team learning helps to build a shared vision and to add collaboration. Learning organization important for Pizza hut growth as learning organization does not consider the ad hoc process. It also promotes, facilitates and rewards for collective learning. Learning organization also helps to increase the growth of the company in following ways. In pizza hut the innovation level is maintained and also the competitive advantage remains in the organization. Pizza hut also attains the advantage of enhancing the good image by becoming more people oriented. The qualities of the products are also improved at all levels by considering the learning organization. By taking into consideration the learning process it is seen that customer requirements are also linked to the resources (Kashif, Awang, Walsh Altaf, 2015). By analyzing the requirements of the customers the company tries to produce the quality products so that the satisfaction level of the customers can be enhanced effectively. It is seen that to satisfy the needs of the customers it is important to analyze the requirements so that success can be attained. The growth is attained by the company as the latest technology is used that helps to enhance the overall profitability and growth of Pizza Hut. It is seen that if adopt the latest technology to innovate the existence products then it can give positive results in an effective manner (Ozdemir and Ergin, 2017). Learning organization like Pizza hut embraces the change and has a vision of future to build- in. Pizza Hut is considered as a good place to work just because of enhanced quality and more committed employees. In the learning organization like pizza hut, the ability of change is enhanced in an effective manner. The role of the learning organization is to manage the changes so that proper activities of the organization can be conducted in a proper way. Pizza hut produces various types of pizza by evaluating the requirements of the customers. If the customer wants cheese burst pizza then it is important for the company to provide cheese pizza to the customer as it will help to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers (Jaber, 2016). To create learning organization it is important to have good leadership that is based on a traditional hierarchy. Also, there should be proper realization that the proper power is there in the company to analyze the solutions to the problems. A learning organization culture is based on trust and openness where the workers are given assistance and also rewarded for learning and innovating. It is important to overcome the challenges in the company so that the activities or the operations of the organization can be conducted smoothly (Augustin, Riley, Stockmann, Bennett, Kahl, Lockett Cobiac, 2016). To compete in the competitive environment it is important to be competitive and dynamic. Pizza hut introduces various variants in pizza so that the customers can be attracted. The company challenges all the workers to consider resources and potential so that their principles of humanity and liberty can be considered. Pizza hut tries to evaluate the method of other organization so that the modification can be done in a proper manner (eri? Prani?evi?, 2017). By analyzing the other companies it can be possible for the company to make modifications so that the activities can be conducted accordingly (Burke, 2017). Learning organization are the competitors they have their brand equity and also the best candidates are attracted towards the organization. It is seen that the company needs to learn new things so that the changes can be made in a proper manner. It the duty of the managers to take correct decisions so that proper decisions can be taken by the organization (Daft, 2015). The decision making needs the company to enhance the capability of acquiring new behaviors over a period of time. In pizza hut, the decisions are made by the topmanagement so that proper implementation can be done effectively. It is seen that the company try to maintain basic principles and values so that continuous learning can help to think and act ahead of the competition level. If the company remain a true learning organization then it is safe to achieve future success (Baldwin, 2016). Pizza hut try to modify new and variety of pizza so that the large market share can be achieved. If there are a variety of items offered to the customers then it can be easy for the company to induce customers to purchase the products and avail the services in a proper manner. In the learning organization, all the employees and members are engaged in feedback loops. This directly means that they can easily attain feedback from their members. The feedback is given on the routine basis by the employees or the employees so that the formulation can be made on the regular basis. To be one of the best learning organiManagementzations it is important for the company to sustain a true learning organization that needs a lot of work and dedication and it takes time and resources. For pizza hut, the customers are known as long-term assets (Rathore Ilavarasan, 2017). It helps to invent and implement new technologies that give value to its customers and on the constant basis improves products and services. Many companies give their attention so that the member of the organization can know the changing pattern and the activities are also conducted in a smooth manner. So learning organization help to achieve overall goals and objectives in an effective manner. References Augustin, M. A., Riley, M., Stockmann, R., Bennett, L., Kahl, A., Lockett, T., Cobiac, L. (2016). Role of food processing in food and nutrition security.Trends in Food Science Technology,56, 115-125. Baldwin, M. (2016).Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization. Routledge. Boyland, E. J., Christiansen, P. (2015). Brands and Food-Related Decision Making in the Laboratory: How Does Food Branding Affect Acute Consumer Choice, Preference, and Intake Behaviours? A Systematic Review of Recent Experimental Findings.Journal of agricultural food industrial organization,13(1), 45-54. Burke, W. W. (2017).Organization change: Theory and practice. Sage Publications. Daft, R. L. 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