Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Golden Colour Of The Sun - 1661 Words
The city of Estha lay sparkling on the hill side under the fading rays of the late evening sun. The tall tower of Akavarius, the God of Victory and the mythical founder of the Devou dynasty, which was the pinnacle of the royal palace, rose like a fiery beacon over the capital city of the Kingdom of Atsmaria. The domed top of the tower was crowned with copper sheets, designed by ancient engineers to blaze with a reddish glow whenever the sun rose or set, as it did now. The golden colour cast a sharp contrast to the dull hues of the cliff side upon which it was perched, differing from the grey defensive walls, tall battlements and bastions of indomitable stone which overlooked the brownish-green hues of the rocky slopes. The approach to the†¦show more content†¦His body was wrought with hard muscle from the exertions of campaign and the soldier’s life, not having the time to reap the comforts and luxuries such a Kingship should have brought in more peaceful times. Long dark hair was slicked back and tied in a bun behind his head and the same hue adorned his beard which was neatly trimmed, covering his face and jawline from ear to ear. Not many could withstand his firmness unless they too be stone of heart in their chests, for Vasilios was a hard man. He was adorned much as his soldiers were, his rank and status differing from the common soldiery only by the presence of a golden crown set about his conical helm. He wore a knee-length tunic of silvery chainmail set upon a sable robe, tucked into his fur-lined boots. At his waist dangled a longsword, its pommel jeweled and its blade sharp, while his other side carried the kite-shaped shield that many foot soldiers carried. He had a surcoat of brass which gleamed like gold under the sun, giving him a majestic appearance which well suited the divine origins his father and ancestors long placed upon their lineage. Like any Devou, Vasilios could and did claim descent from the might god Akavarius, who was considered to be the very first King of Atsmaria, over a millennia ago. It was believed not only by the royal family, but the teeming hundreds of thousands of people who lived within Atsmaria.Show MoreRelatedThe Beach Essay694 Words  | 3 Pages The perfect seal of the horizon begins to break to reveal the gleaming crown of the sun: a new day has begun. Slowly ascending into the cold dark sky the sun glows vibrantly with delight, the intense colours fill the sky with warmth; pink grapefruits, zesty lemons, citrus oranges and cherry reds detailed in the sky, very much like a brightly coloured Persian rug. The sea so subtle sparkles preciously brushing up against the seashore. Looking at the crystal watersRead More Poetic Analysis of Fern Hill Essay960 Words  | 4 Pagesand imagery to depict a tale of growing up. The use of colour adds life and character to people and abstract ideas. 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The gentle waves eagerly pushed one another to touch the still smooth sea sand, as if they were trying to say something secret about the sea to the golden sand. Wonderfully amazing sounds came out of these touches. It was a real wonderRead MoreEssay on A Magical Forest666 Words  | 3 Pages A Magical Forest The sun is high above me and I walk into the forest in front of me, which I hear calling me. I hear birds chirping and twittering, singing a song. This makes me wonder about birds and where their songs come from. How ancient the song I am hearing really is. As I take a step into the forest, I notice at first the trees, stretching high above the ground, as if in competition with one another, to see who will reach the sky first. Their roots areRead MorePoem Analysis : The Little Black Boy 1296 Words  | 6 Pagespersonal opinions were not . The â€Å"little black boy†by William Blake tells us the thought process of a young black boy who ,at first feels inferior to the English because of his skin colour before thinking back to his mother telling him that his colour is only due to him being so loved by god ,a metaphor of the sun ,that he is sunburnt . He reflects on this and concludes that in gods kingdom ,all races will be equal . The most major theme in the poem is equality and freedom of all people ,regardless
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
History of Loki, The Trickster God Essay - 1025 Words
Loki is known as the trickster god of Norse mythology and is even said to be one of the first anti-heroes. He is also probably one of the most well-known tricksters as well. In the Norse myths, he is often portrayed as being very mischievous and is always causing trouble for the gods. In fact, â€Å"he was so outrageously mischievous that he even sneaked his way into becoming a god†(Allen, and Saunders, par. 1). However, even though he almost always seems to be getting the gods into some kind of trouble, he also helps them at times in an attempt to get them out of their predicaments†¦even if those predicaments are his own fault to begin with. Even though Loki was considered to be one of the Aesir, the Norse gods, he was actually the son†¦show more content†¦Some of his most well-known transformations are those of the â€Å"flea, fly, giantess, salmon, seal, and bird†(McLeish, par. 2). He uses these transformations for various reasons, such as  "to benefit others†, â€Å"to trick them†, and â€Å"to save his own butt†(McLeish, par. 2). One of the most significant attributes of Loki is his connection to Ragnarà ¶k, or the end of the world according the Norse mythology. He triggers Ragnarà ¶k by â€Å"arranging the death of Baldur,†(Lindow, par. 6). He does this by tricking the blind god Hod into throwing a mistletoe spear at Baldur, killing him (McCoy, par. 9). He then turns against the gods and takes the side of the giant. Some of the major incidents that take place during the battle include: Jormungand, the giant serpent, slaying Thor; Fenrir, the wolf, killing Odin; and Loki and Heimdall mortally wounding each other (McCoy, par. 3 and 8). As punishment, the gods â€Å"tie him down to three rocks inside a cave†while â€Å"a venomous serpent sits above him, dripping poison onto him†(McCoy, par. 9). One myth in Norse mythology that features Loki’s ever-famous troubl e-making is â€Å"The Stealing of Iduna,†which is featured in the book â€Å"Asgard Stories: Tales from Norse Mythology†by Mary H. Foster and Mabel H. Cummings. In Foster’s and Cummings’s version of the story, it begins with Odin, â€Å"the wise father of the gods†(60), along with his brother Hà ¶nir and Loki, traveling aroundShow MoreRelatedTrickster-God-Creator1433 Words  | 6 PagesTricksters appear in the mythology and folklore of many cultures around the world. Although the power and relative divinity of each Trickster varies from tradition to tradition, Tricksters have important roles in the creation, development, and sometimes destruction, of each culture. The Coyote of Native North American traditions is often depicted as assisting the â€Å"Great Mystery†or â€Å"Great Spirit†in the creating and populating of the world (Leeming). In the Greek myths Hermes is initially a sly infantRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Batman 1127 Words  | 5 Pagesdescribed Loki by saying, â€Å"He was a mischief-maker, trickster, and shape-changer, and grew progressively more evil until the coming of Ragnarok, the end of the world.†Loki is only one of the many Norse gods and goddess, but he is the only one described as a trickster or evil god. In many cultures the mythologies often depict how actual people acted. Throughout history we can see different and similar gods and goddess or heroes and villains in the culture. Loki, god of fire and trickster, and theRead More The Norse tale of Ragnarok Essay1136 Words  | 5 Pagesthe apocalypse destroyed, possessing the same creatures, features and Gods of times past. This considered, and by incorporating themes of time and fate, Snorri challenges the concepts of the past, present and future of Norse lore by providing a framework which allows for the potential reiteration of history. By reviewing The Prose Edda’s telling of the events surrounding Ragnarok, the relationship between fate, time and history provide a unique alternative to the standard eschatological timeline.Read MoreViking Women Played A Big Part On Viking Society984 Words  | 4 Pageschildbirth. (The life expectancy was 35. 5. Women would iron their clothes and create brooches to wear over their tunics. Gods†¦ The 13 main gods! Baldur - God of beauty, innocence, peace, and rebirth. Consort: Nanna, Killed by Loki, who tricked his blind Brother Hodr into killing him with a spear of mistletoe. Bragi - God of poetry, music and the harp. Consort: Ià °unn. Forseti - God of justice, peace and truth. Son of Baldr and Nanna. Freyja - Goddess of love, fertility, and battle. Consort: Óà °ur. FriggRead MoreZaphod Beeblebrox: A Modern-day Trickster1141 Words  | 5 PagesZaphod Beeblebrox: A Modern-day Trickster Part hero, part troublemaker and part comedian the trickster is a literary character that has endured throughout human history. The cultural relevance of the trickster can still be seen today. Whether their intentions are noble or malevolent the trickster teaches valuable life lessons and aids mankind in bettering themselves. In this Zaphod Beeblebrox is a modern-day trickster indeed. Zaphod Beeblebrox is the resident troublemaker in the science fiction seriesRead MoreNores vs. Greek Essay5576 Words  | 23 PagesBritain, which is farther west than the Scandinavian countries where these myths originated. The Vikings made many expeditions into Britain. So it is a very realistic thought that the Vikings could have been exposed to the stories of the Greek and Roman gods. It is also possible that the Vikings could have extrapolated parts of the Roman stories into their own. The only two existing primary sources of Norse mythology are the Prose (Elder) Edda, and the Poetic (Younger) Ed da. These were written about oneRead MoreEssay on There is More to Vikings than Violence992 Words  | 4 PagesHistory typically describes the Vikings as the fiercest, most brutal of all the barbarian groups that invaded Europe. Historians agree that the Vikings were fierce, but was there more to them than that. The word Viking has been used to identify people who lived in Sweden, Norway and Denmark in early medieval times. In the language Old Norse, Viking means pirate. Sometimes they were known as Northmen or Danes. The Vikings shared a similar heritage as the Saxons, a group of people who hadRead MoreNorse Mythology2497 Words  | 10 Pagesexplains his understanding of the origin of heathen science. Prose Edda itself is based on belief in the old Nordic gods or heathen, and recounts and explains the faith of men before they were Christian. The book is divided into three main parts, but they are called the Gylfaginning, Skaldskaparmal and Hattatal. In the first section, Gylfaginning (The delusion of King Gylfi) is about the gods and their roles in the world. In addition, will explain how the world and everything in it, was created and theRead MoreThor and the Odyssey Essay1198 Words  | 5 Pagesout of captivity, he withstands the cannibals, he even turn Circe into his lover, who was once an enemy that turned half of his men into pigs. Then he defeated the many suitors threading his kingdom. The two warriors are displayed throughout history in literature and in popular culture. Some stories about Sinbad in â€Å"A Thousand and One Arabian Nights†were taken directly from homer making Sinbad a smart and mighty warrior just like Odysseus. Like when Sinbad out whit the Cyclops just as OdysseusRead MoreThe Roles of Women in Medieval Scandinavia Essay4028 Words  | 17 Pagestheir neighbors. While our archaeological evidence from this period may be rather scarce, many cite the Scandinavian pagan religions as a evidence of this warrior society due to the fact that men were encouraged to fight in order to be chosen by the gods to live in Valhalla, the pagan equivalent, loosely equivalent, of heaven. However, this only accounts for the men of the society, and no society can continue if it consists only of men. Were the women as concerned with war as their male comrades? Recent
Monday, December 9, 2019
Manage Organisational Change Externa Environment
Question: Discuss about the Manage Organisational Change forExterna Environment. Answer: Key Aspects of Organizational Change Introduction It is observed that change management is a crucial part of organizations. Today, organizations have to operate in tough economic and externa environment. It is critical that change should not be considered as an overhead in the organization. It is particularly important that change agents should take all the internal and external stakeholders together towards the change. The organizations would particularly have more need of change in the growing or elaboration stage. In the elaboration stage a business is forced to be innovative and make changes; stagnation will eventually lead to the demise of the organization (Lozano, Ceulemans, Seatter, 2015). By returning to entrepreneurial roots the company is analysing ways of making the necessary changes to survive and flourish. By giving some divisions of the company the freedom to make decisions and move in directions that are not necessarily typical of the organization at large, innovation can happen. The objective of this essay is to dis cuss three key aspects of organizational change. These three aspects are content of change, context of change and process of change.[1] The initial research suggests that all these three elements are required so that organizations can attain the path of sustainable development. In this era of globalization, organizations can achieve its CSR and sustainability objectives only when they are open to change. With the change in market dynamics and change in external environment, organizations are expected to drive the change internally frequently. Therefore, organizations must have an open and flexible culture.[2] Analysis During any organizational change, human resource management function has a key role to play. In typical scenario, HR managers act as a bridge between the business decision and employees of the organization. Pilbeam Cobridge (2010) argued that HR practices help in developing human resources as a source of sustained competitive advantage by creating and developing a pool of high quality human capital (Pilbeam and Corbridge, 2010 pp 52). [3]Therefore, HR strategist has to be visionaries and innovative to assist the organization to adapt to internal and external changes. The three aspects of change management for organizations in the contemporary business environment can be discussed as: Content of change: Content of change means the actual change that is happening in the organization. For example, if a large organization want to move to cloud as a part of IT strategy then the content of change would be cloud computing. It is expected that all the employees would not support the idea of cloud computing because the existing employees would be comfortable in the current position (Voet, 2014). Therefore, it is important that the reasons or the drivers of the change should be communicated to all the stakeholders before initiating any change. Context of change: The context of change refers to the environment or the drivers for which change is happening. The organization would want to move to cloud computing to increase its operational efficiency and to save its cost (Ocasio, Loewenstein Nigam, 2015).[4] The context for change management would generally means that the output that organizations want to achieve. Process of change: The change process refers to the various stages in the change management process. One of the most commonly used model or theory of change management is Lewin change management model. The Lewin change management model can be discussed as: The above model highlights that unfreeze is the first stage of change management. In this phase, the change leaders or leaders of the organization must ensure that organization is ready for change. The second stage of change management is change This is the phase of change management in which actual change happens in the organization. The last phase of change management is refreeze (Voet, 2014). This is the phase of change management where the organization accept the change and the change is imbibed as organizational culture. [5] Change Management: An example Dell Inc. is a multinational computer company that is privately owned; it sells computers, data storage devices, softwares, printers, cameras, computer peripherals among other things. Dell is a company that was doing so well till it had to change trajectory due to change in the market. As desktops and towers slowly fell out of fashion and the use of laptops became more and more popular, Dells model of business in some ways became obsolete. Their innovation systems changed and they started manufacturing laptops, they also ventured into printers and digital music playing systems and other products (Daft,2015). Daft, (2015) suggest this places Dell in the elaboration stage where leadership attempts to prevent further bureaucracy. This change however came late and they have been struggling for a long time. Dell is however making efforts to improve the appearance of their products to compete with other brands (Daft, 2015). They have also made alliances with other industry partners to make more impact and recently they have decided to return to the company's "entrepreneurial roots" by affording divisions a level of autonomy similar to start-up companies thus putting Dell in the elaboration stage. The Dell, Inc. scenario states that the company sought to return to its entrepreneurial roots. The way that Dell approached this was by allowing divisions within the company grater control /autonomy to increase creativity and innovation. This is the same approach that is implemented within most start-up companies. It allows for ideas and information to be shared openly for continued process improvement. This could definitely help increase morale, production, and profits. Daft (2015) outlines the idea that this approach allows those divisions to act as standalones without influence from other outside divisions. Change Management Challenges It would be correct to say that organizational leader faces certain challenges while implementing the change in the organization. One of the key challenge for change management is communication challenge (Voet, 2014). There are times when the driver of change are not communicated effectively to different stakeholders in the organization. [6] Change Agents and Change Leaders The change agent and change leaders have a critical role to play during any change management implementation. It is important that the change agents must use effective communication platform to interact with various stakeholders involved in the change management process. This helps followers to be less resistant and more open to change or contributing to the task and goals of the organization. Leaders also foster innovation in groups. This allows followers and organizations to achieve the strategic vision.[7] Simoes Esposito (2014) argued that change is difficult for a lot of people.It is important that leaders and change agents should teach everyone to accept that change is not a bad thing. Lots of people are afraid of the unknown and that make it hard for them to want to learn to do something different. As people are exposed to new things and shown they can be successful it becomes easier. Therefore, communication is such a big factor in strategic planning. Organizational leaders need to meet people where they are at and show them how to implement the change. When they get discouraged we inspire them. Change agents should talk to them and find out where the barriers are and show them what the benefits will be. The recommended change management approach can be shown as: Conclusion With the above discussion, it can be said that change is essential to longevity of an organization. Innovators should be consistently bringing new ideas to the table, often innovators ideas are not considered part of the companys vision, but the vision is not written in stone as times change so should the vision (Cummings, Bridgman Brown, 2016). [8]As leaders look to fill positions it is important to find candidates that are real leaders and can articulate their calling to leadership and commitment to learn to be effective managers. All the three aspects of change (content, context and process) are interlinked. Any single aspect cannot work better without the support of other aspects. In most of the change management scenario, content could be internal in nature and context could be external in nature. The process refers to the overall process of change management. The focus on sustainable development demands that organizations must have a strong understanding of its internal and [9]external environment. The integrated and collaborative approach of all these three aspects of change management helps organizations to have a good understanding of internal and external environment. Therefore, it can be said that and integrated approach towards all the three aspects of change management would help organizations to continue on the path of sustainable development. Reference CUMMINGS, S., BRIDGMAN, T., BROWN, K. G. Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewins legacy for change management.(Human relations,69(1), 33-60, 2016) LOZANO, R., CEULEMANS, K., SEATTER, C. S. Teaching organisational change management for sustainability: designing and delivering a course at the University of Leeds to better prepare future sustainability change agents.(Journal of Cleaner Production,106, 205-215, 2015) MATOS MARQUES SIMOES, P., ESPOSITO, M. Improving change management: How communication nature influences resistance to change.(Journal of Management Development,33(4), 324-341, 2014) OCASIO, W., LOEWENSTEIN, J., NIGAM, A. How streams of communication reproduce and change institutional logics: The role of categories.(Academy of Management Review,40(1), 28-48, 2015) PILBEAM, S. CORBRIDGE, M.People resourcing and talent planning: (HRM in practice. 4th ed. London: Prentice Hall International, 2010) VAN DER VOET, J. The effectiveness and specificity of change management in a public organization: Transformational leadership and a bureaucratic organizational structure.(European Management Journal,32(3), 373-382, 2014)
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Philipps Furniture free essay sample
Phillips was hesitant about relocating. As an alternative to relocating, Mr. Phillips opened a satellite store in an outlying district to attract a new source of customers, as well as to provide better service to his current customers. Mr. Phillip eventually expanded his business into several neighboring towns until he had a total of six stores. When Martin Furniture, a small manufacturing firm that supplied some of the furniture for Phillips, became financially unstable, Mr. Phillips was able to gain control of the manufacturing plant. At the end of last week, you were called into Mr. Phillips’ office, and Mr. Phillips said, to you, â€Å"I have been pleased with your progress with us as a management trainee since you graduated six months ago. †He explained that he felt that the company had gotten large enough to need a personnel manager. Previously, all managers handled most of their own personnel activities, usually on a â€Å"casual†basis. We will write a custom essay sample on Philipps Furniture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mr. Phillips told you that with the acquisition of the manufacturing firm, â€Å"It’s time for us to get our personnel activities organized, and you’re the person to do it. When asked why, he said, â€Å"I reviewed your personal file and noticed you had some courses in human resource management listed on your transcript. †Also you have good people skills. Faced with both the challenge and the promotion, you accepted. Now you are trying to decide, â€Å"What am I to do now that I’m the HR manager. Questions On what activities would you tell Mr. Phillips you intended to focus? Why? The first thing Mr. Phillips should focus on is a mission statement as it’s crucial for the business to have goals, a purpose, and an objective. By knowing what the future plan for the company is, managers and employees know what exactly they are working for. I would also recommend Mr. Phillips create an organizational structure and job descriptions which will also increase the company’s success by providing employees with information on what exactly their position and responsibilities in the company are. The development of training programs and performance goals as well as an incentive system will improve employee performance as they don’t only benefit the company but also the employees. 2. What would be your first action, and why? My first action would be to develop an organizational structure so that all employees know what exactly their position and responsibilities in the company are. Since the company is still growing, it is crucial for each employee to know what is expected from him/her. Mr. Phillips has expanded the business into several neighboring towns which increases the importance of each and every employee knowing who exactly they are reporting to. An organizational structure will help employees be more productive. Therefore, the company will reach its goals sooner and become more successful.
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